Monday, December 31, 2007

End of '07. In with "08!!!

Well it has been another good year. I think everyone would agree that at some point things could have been better. But all in all things were good. We had two healthy babies this year and everyone else still has their health. I guess that is the main thing. Money will be a problem forever. We have to many kids that will only cost more as time goes on. So I am a realist about that.

I am not sure what kind of resolution to make. I really cant think of a single one that I have kept. So not sure if I will even try. If I do it will be either to be healthier or to finish things that I start. Nothing that exciting. We had a great Christmas as we had about 20 people at our house for Christmas Eve. It was real nice. Anybody who has always dreamed of having a big family get together for the holiday's, let me tell ya, it is all that. Got to see my new neice Lilly. She is adorable. All the kids had agood Christmas however the 2 older ones have not really used their mega gifts that cost us out the ear. I hate that with a pation. It is something that they asked for to. I guess that I am not suprised though. It always goes that way but trust me this will be the last year that they get something with that cost again.

Going over to a friends house for New Year's. Supposed to be alot of people there so it should be fun. And comming up right around the corner is my babies birthday. So let the partying continue. I have consumed enough alcohol to run a battleship for a day. I guess that is about it. Not a very exciting blog but had to do one sooner or later. I hope everyone has a Great '08.


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